Friday, September 16, 2011

Why the Barack Obama Anti-Christ Phenomenon is Nonsense

Why Do People Believe Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Obama represents the left-wing of politics and as myth and religion tend towards being right-wing, specifically evangelical Christianity, a belief that Obama is the anti-Christ has seemingly risen. Belief that Obama is the antichrist is further fuelled by an immense amount of global support as well as by the 2009 Nobel Piece Prize being awarded to him. Accusations that a particular global leader is the antichrist have been prevalent before, but accusations against Barack Obama have been particularly heavy.

Biblical Mismatches

In Christian scripture the Anti-Christ is meant to possess a number of signs that identify him and many of these are difficult to match up to Obama. Firstly, the antichrist is said to not care for the desires of women, which basically means that he is not particularly interested in relationships with women. This is already a major problem for the Obama as antichrist theory as Obama is married.

Secondly, the antichrist is meant to be a man of great ability and an intellectual genius in a number of fields that allow him to solve major world problems (Ezekiel 28:3; Daniel 8:23). The idea is that the antichrist is the 'son of man', the final and full development of humanity. While Obama is no doubt a talented man he is hardly a genius in a collection of fields and is definitely not the fullest development of humanity.

Thirdly, the antichrist is meant to create a global money system that requires some kind of mark or symbol to utilize. This symbol is said to be the mark of the beast. Barack Obama has made no mention whatsoever of any plans to create a global economic scheme that would make the whole world uses the same currency.

The Validity of The Anti-Christ Myth

The biggest logical issue for the antichrist myth is that prediction generally means the future can change. After all, if what is about to happen is known then it can be predicted and acted against. Furthermore, the text itself uses very confusing descriptions and imagery that make it near impossible to truly get any information.

Conclusion As To Why Barack Obama Is Not The Antichrist

The evidence weights strongly against the accusations of Barack Obama being the antichrist, as he clearly goes against the majority of traits the antichrist is meant to have. This is without even considering the idea that the whole myth is nonsense or that by making a prediction and releasing it publicly the future has changed

Monday, September 5, 2011

5/5/2011 General Update

It has been a while since I have given a general update on what I have been doing. Still working on my site, and t his blog. Basically, I am trying to gain backlinks from blogger in a different way than I generally have by including my RSS feed in a widget. The google panda update was beneficial for my website but hurt my various blogs quite heavily.

I have also been trying to get as many backlinks from bestreviewer, which I may include a link too later. I have learnt that having a few articles that simply do not have backlinks helps to get a website treated a little better. As such this particular post will not include any backlinks whatsoever and I am hoping that my feed widget will do that job for me.

I have also updated the general theme of my site and included the Amazon affiliate program alongside advertisements. So far it has accomplished close to nothing, though the change in site design has actually resulted in many more clicks on advertisements which is great.